Friday, December 21, 2012

Hello Bipolar Kingdom,

Allow me to introduce myself, your Bipolar Melodrama Queen. I call myself a Teen Queen because this blog is mainly intended for bipolar teens. Why do I call myself a Queen? Because I'm older than you, that's why. I don't claim to be some sort of expert but I can assure you that if you made a list of top ten craziest things you've ever done, I could match it and then some. I'm no angel, but then again, my blog isn't called Bipolar Angel, is it? I am a 23 year old blonde bombshell living somewhat successfully  in None of Your Business, New York with two cats and a puppy. (This is as close to a farm as you can get within the five boroughs). Full disclosure here- I will get real, I will get in your face, I will say bad words, and I will NEVER lie to you.

This blog is intended for Queen Bees, Upper East Siders, Bad Ass Punk Rock Bitches, Hipster Chicks, Nerdettes, Wannabes and everybody who is too cool for the aforementioned labels. Maybe you're really awesome at hiding your little secret but as I'm sure you know, you can't hide from yourself. If you, like me, suffer from the not-so-fairy-tale known as Bipolar Disorder, this blog is for you. Here's the good news- you can stop making fuck ups of royal proportions because I have made them all for you! I am not your parents (fortunately for you) so I am gonna break down the Bipolar beast for you by behaviors, symptoms, and the stupid things that I sometimes do in words you can actually understand. You may not want to hear it at times but guess what? I don't care and this is my blog. I want to help you because nobody knew enough about my illness to reach me when I was your age. I'm still kind of young and cool in my own mind so maybe you'll listen to me, maybe feel a little bit better, and MAYBE laugh a little bit along the way. Ask me anything you want, tell me I suck, or whatever does it for you. Ready or not, here I come.

Fondly yours,

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